21 Tips To Make Your Next Trip Easier

Normally, you only learn from your own mistakes, but if you can learn from someone else’s experiences, it can definitely make your life much easier.

Here I have compiled for you all the tips and tricks I have gathered through my own travel experiences over the years.

21 Tips To Make Your Next Trip Easier

1. Always carry auxiliary batteries and a charger cable

As much as many want to resist being permanently communicated, today the mobile phone -or tablet, laptop, etc- is essential and it is possible that when we want to use it -or we need to- we cannot charge it.

It is possible that you have confirmation numbers, reservation details, itineraries on your phone or you are simply in a wonderful place that you want to photograph.

Carrying a portable charger can make a difference in your travels. For convenience, you can also carry plug adapters, a notebook, and a pen and a padlock to protect our valuables.

2. Make photocopies of your passport and also take it photographed on your phone

If you lose the original, photocopies will help you identify yourself and speed up the procedures to make a duplicate in an emergency.

You can upload a photo of your passport, ID, or driving license to the cloud, but a photocopy of the passport in the suitcase does not take up anything and in case of need, it will be good to have it on hand to go to the consulate, embassy or the office of the police wherever you are.

3. In case of a long trip, always have a Plan B

Sometimes the plans we make do not correspond to the reality of the trip. It could be any number of reasons. Maybe we want to extend our stay, or maybe an inconvenience arises, which could be political, climatic, catastrophe, etc. – or an invitation that makes us change our plans or itinerary.

In these cases, having a plan B in case we have to shorten or lengthen our stay or to buy a new plane ticket or any other unforeseen, is important.

Having the possibility of having extra money, available only in case of need is essential when we take a long trip. You never know if we will want to lengthen or shorten our trips or if we will have to change our trips due to unforeseen circumstances. Having a credit card with a balance can make a difference.

4. Open your eyes and don’t look at everything over the phone

Surely during your trip, there will be a thousand things that you want to photograph and film to share on your social networks, but don’t forget that the essential thing is to live the experience. After a few seconds taking the photo, save your phone and enjoy what you see.

It is a shame to miss a beautiful sunset or see it through a small screen, being able to see it with our eyes. Take the photo and then enjoy something that will always remain in your memory.

5. Get local currency as soon as you arrive at the airport, especially coins

You may have to call your hotel to pick you up or call a friend from a public phone, so having a change is vital. You can also get stuck at an airport for delays, and if the ATM doesn’t work, having coins to get some food or drink is helpful.

It is convenient to have enough cash to cover the transport from the airport to the accommodation and it does not hinder having a little more in coins since you can never be sure if a particular location accepts credit cards or not.

6. Learn a few words of the target language

Knowing how to say hello, goodbye, thank you, please, water or how much it costs is not too much and everyone will appreciate your predisposition.

Nor does it hinder an online translator or a small dictionary because not everyone speaks the same language that you do, and it does not hurt to interact with people.

7. Be respectful and flexible

You should not go somewhere to change your habits. If we are required to cover our shoulders to enter a temple, we must do so.

If there is a habit of leaving a tip, we must leave it too. It is worth going relaxed and being respectful of the customs of each country and its culture.

8. Use Google Maps features

On trips where you are not going to have a connection, the Google Maps that you can download at the Hotel are very useful to use offline for your travels. So you can walk -or drive- to your destination even if you can’t find a Wi-Fi connection.

9. Make sure to weigh your bags before going to the airport

It may seem that you are not carrying too much, but it is important to know what your suitcase weighs to make sure that you will not be overcharged when you check-in.

In case of excess, it is cheaper to hire a second suitcase doing it online than in the check-in queue. There can be huge differences in money and especially when returning loaded with purchases and souvenirs…

10. If you have space in the suitcase, take an auxiliary bag

There are many places where you can buy very cheap clothes and other items. It does not hurt to carry an auxiliary bag in the suitcase or inside the backpack just in case we buy things.

11. Carry a hard drive or a service to download photos in the cloud

When you are fond of photography or video, it seems incredible how quickly the memory cards of our cameras fill up, and we still have a lot to visit and see. Having a hard drive to download the cards, thus releasing our SD or flashcards, comes in handy.

A very comfortable option is to have a place to store them “in the cloud” for when we return.

12. It is likely that you will not have Wi-fi constantly

Many times I have seen people panic because there was no Wi-Fi in a restaurant or museum. Those are the ones that when they arrive, the first thing they ask is what is their Wi-Fi password? Obviously, except for emergencies or online jobs, we do not need constant access to Wi-Fi.

On the trip it is better to relax, enjoy the atmosphere and the company in which we are and look up from the screen, enjoying being off-line, at least while we are on vacation.

13. Plan what you want to see

In all the trips I have made, there have been things that I wanted to see and I could not because of spending time on other activities or visits.

It is essential to plan by making a list of what we want to see or do and order it by priority, so that later if we cannot do everything, we only miss what is below and not what was fundamental.

14. Do what you want to do and not what you read on websites or blogs

As much as it is good to follow the recommendations of others who have been in a place, remember that the most important thing is your own judgment.

If you want to go to a museum or a restaurant or see a monument, do not stop doing it because your friends want to make other visits, or you might regret afterward for not doing what you wanted to do.

15. Test cities near your destination when looking for a flight

You will be surprised how cheaper a trip can be if instead of traveling to the capital you go to another nearby airport.

Indeed, then you will have to travel from that city you originally wanted to visit, but the price difference will probably still be interesting. Also, so you can know another place.

16. Take a chance and the essentials also in your hand luggage

In case your suitcase gets lost and takes a while to appear, it is good to have a survival kit in your hand luggage. A toilet bag, a change, and documentation and money can make a difference until the luggage appears or we receive compensation.

17. Bring an empty water bottle

Most of the airports have free water sources where you can fill it in your own bottle. Don’t buy water when you can simply run an empty bottle through the controls and fill it to the other side, saving you from having to buy water from vending machines.

18. Bring a laundry bag

In almost all hotels or villas that you rent, you will find bags for their laundry service. You can use them or make your own from home, but all before mixing your clean clothes with the dirty clothes that you accumulate day after day during your trip.

19. Walk aimlessly and relate

Although I am in favor of planning, especially when the trip is short, it is also great to let go and walk aimlessly through the cities to discover corners that were not planned.

It is essential to be able to talk to people and relate to them and then know how to return to what is known.

20. Don’t travel with expensive items or equipment

You don’t need to travel with the most expensive sneakers, brand clothing, or carry an expensive laptop, the latest model phone, or other high-priced products. That ostentation may be in some places an invitation to be robbed.

Nobody cares about your appearance or image when you are traveling. It is better to be comfortable and relaxed, and instead, spend your money on things that will make your trip more enjoyable.

21. Research the destination before going

Read on websites looking for information and advice, buy a travel guide, or visit the page of the destination’s tourist office.

It is not about doing a master’s degree in the place but spending a few hours before leaving to learn the recommendations, tips and tricks will save you a lot of time when you are there. 

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Author Bio: Julien is the founder of Julius Homes. His interest in hiking, skiing, and adventure holidays made him bring together the choicest accommodations around the globe to make holidays relaxing and comfortable.

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